In the ICUs, the first intervention led to a change from using undiluted prescriptions to prescribing doses of KCl that were diluted to a maximum concentration of 400 mEq/L (figure 1). In the second intervention, we modified the rules so that doses up to 400 mEq/L KCl were permitted in all departments; the number of undiluted prescriptions did not increase after the second intervention. The reason for the increase in use of 60–100 mEq/L KCl in the general ward and outpatient departments after the second intervention was the ambiguity of the modified Rule number 3 (additional exclusion criteria), which stated “When physicians and pharmacists agree that a dose exceeding 40 mEq/L KCl is necessary, it is allowed”. When 1000 mL of replacement fluid is administered, as is often carried out in general wards and outpatient departments, KCl concentrations below 60 mEq/L are recommended.19 Because we had not specified the upper limit of the KCl concentration in the modified rule, the pharmacists began to deliver concentrations exceeding 60 mEq/L KCl.
In the general ward and outpatient departments, the number of prescriptions for undiluted KCl decreased to 0 within 7 months of implementation the first intervention (figure 2). The number of prescriptions for doses up to 400 mEq/L, which were permitted in a limited number of situations such as in the ICUs, did not increase. From these data, it was considered that both the first and second interventions were effective.
The number of prescriptions written for doses less than 40 mEq/L increased in the general ward and outpatient departments after the first intervention, and was higher after the second intervention than it was before the first (figure 3A).
Despite both interventions, it was not possible to reduce the number of prescriptions for doses of over 40 mEq/L KCl to 0. One reason for this could be the modification to Rule no. 3 in the second intervention, which allowed prescriptions for doses exceeding 40 mEq/L KCl if it was agreed on by the physician and the pharmacist. However, all prescriptions for doses over 40 mEq/L KCl were below 100 mEq/L after both interventions. Doses of KCl less than 100 mEq/L can be safely administered, as this is the concentration that can be given via peripheral intravenous, and KCl is marketed as a prediluted product in some countries.
The proportion of prescriptions for 40–60 mEq/L KCl in the general ward was 81% of total prescriptions before the first intervention, increasing to 94% between the first and second interventions, and then decreasing to 66% after the second intervention (figure 3B). We believe that the reason for the increase after the first intervention was the permission of dosing in excess of 40 mEq/L according to physician and pharmacist consensus.
Seven months after the first intervention, prescriptions above 100 mEq/L KCl accounted for 0% of the total prescriptions in the general ward and outpatient departments (figure 2). This suggests no serious concern regarding the safe use of KCl.
Pharmacist inquiries increased, which confirmed the appropriateness of the rule that requires pharmacists to inquire about all prescriptions that deviate from the rules (figure 4). The pharmacists’ method of inquiring about KCl prescriptions was clarified by the intervention, and their ability to inquire about KCl prescriptions that deviate from the rules improved after the intervention.
After the first intervention; when the pharmacists began to inquire about all the prescriptions deviating from the rule, the number of prescriptions changed because the number of inquiries increased to five (median). Based on the premise of the second intervention, it was hypothesised that pharmacists’ inquiries about physicians’ prescriptions might result in fewer changes to prescriptions. Our suppositions were somewhat realised, as the number of prescription changes caused by pharmacists' inquiries was only three (median). We presume that the number of prescriptions changed due to pharmacists' inquiries increased again after April 2017 because there was a large physician turnover at that time in our hospital, and these physicians were likely not aware of the rules.
Nevertheless, there appears to have been no difficulty in modifying the rules by implementing the second intervention, because the number of prescriptions for high-dose KCl did not increase (figures 1 and 2).
Overall, hospital staff compliance with the rules to eliminate undiluted KCl prescriptions was almost 100%. This resulted from the combined efforts of the clinical department of quality and safety management, and a task team comprising members of the nursing and pharmacy departments.
Our objective in this study was to implement interventions to minimise severe complications due to high-concentration KCl prescriptions. Even in the absence of adopting prediluted formulations, we were able to reduce the number of undiluted prescriptions in our hospital to 0 (median) by implementing these two interventions. As part of our interventions, we were able to accomplish several important tasks: 1) we effectively changed templated KCl prescriptions in the ICUs from undiluted KCl to 400 mEq/L KCl; 2) in the general ward and outpatient departments, our first intervention reduced the number of prescriptions for undiluted KCl to 0; 3) the number of prescriptions for doses up to 400 mEq/L, which were permitted in a limited number of situations such as in the ICU setting, did not increase; 4) the number of prescriptions written for doses under 40 mEq/L increased in the general ward and outpatient departments; and 5) we standardised pharmacists' inquiries relating to prescriptions for high-dose KCl, and established a system so that nurses would receive a warning document describing the details of the KCl concentration at the time of administration.
For most rules, the management of KCl concentration by hospital staff was changed based on our intervention, and we believe that our intervention could be useful. The implementation of our rules for administration of high-dose KCl at our hospital successfully decreased the prescription of undiluted KCl, which was maintained through two plan-do-study-act cycles.
We believe our intervention would be useful in other countries that also do not have prediluted formulations and where prediluted formulation matched to prescription is unavailable, and undiluted ampules are used instead.
The reason that the number of prescriptions written for concentrations above 40 mEq/L KCl did not decrease in the general ward and outpatient departments after the second intervention was attributable to the low number of hospital beds in our ICU. We also suppose that patients needing potassium and fluid restriction due to cardiac dysfunction could not be transferred to the ICU.
Future directions
In the ICUs, most prescriptions were diluted to maximum concentrations of 400 mEq/L, but some prescriptions remained undiluted. Therefore, we need to reinforce our rules. It is possible that, because more than 3 years have passed since the rules were implemented, documents describing the rules are not being reviewed by hospital staff. It is necessary to periodically reinforce these rules among physicians, nurses and pharmacists via hospital news, communications and training sessions. To encourage adherence to guidelines and regulations, we plan to routinely monitor hospital staff compliance with the rules, obtain staff opinions and revise the rules as necessary.
Henceforth, we will check prescription data two times per year to assess whether the intervention outcome described above has been maintained and that the status has not changed since October 2017. In addition, we plan to check pharmacist inquiry records every 6 months to check for deviation from the rules.
We plan to modify the rules by setting the upper limit as less than 60 mEq/L KCl for the general ward and outpatient departments.19 We plan to implement this in our hospital staff, and will routinely investigate compliance with this rule. The safety manager has been instructed to report any problems that the staff encounter with regards to diluting KCl, and suggestions, if any, for improvement of the rules.
Based on the results of this study, we will consider increasing the number of beds in the ICU.
We propose that the guidelines in the attached document should be modified to allow up to 400 mEq/L of KCl in certain clinical situations. In addition, until prediluted KCl formulations are made available in most countries, we propose that KCl ampules and intravenous drip formulations should only be mixed by pharmacists in the pharmacy departments prior to delivery to the various healthcare settings. Limiting the preparation of KCl to pharmacists would provide an added safety measure in countries where prediluted KCL formulations are not yet available.