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Acute neurology simulation training
  1. Clare M Galtrey1,
  2. Jessica Styles1,
  3. Nicholas Gosling2,
  4. Niran Nirmalananthan1,
  5. Anthony C Pereira1
  1. 1 Department of Neurology, St George’s Hospital, London, UK
  2. 2 St George’s Advanced Patient Simulation Centre, St George’s University of London, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Clare M Galtrey, Department of Neurology, St George’s Hospital, London SW17 0QT, UK; claregaltrey{at}


Acute neurology is the neurological care that a patient receives in an emergency or urgent care situation. This can be adapted successfully to training in a simulation where learners are immersed in realistic scenarios in a safe, controlled and reproducible environment. In addition to teaching important technical skills that improve knowledge of the diagnosis and management of acute neurology, the simulation laboratory provides a valuable setting to improve human factors and non-technical skills, such as teamwork and leadership. Simulations are best conducted in a multiprofessional group with scenarios that allow different team members (nurses, physician associates, core medical and specialist trainees) to participate in their actual role. These training sessions require clear learning objectives, and involve designing the scenarios, running the session and ending with a structured debriefing to consolidate learning. The ultimate aim is to improve the team’s effectiveness to deliver safe acute neurological care in the emergency department and on the wards.

  • simulation
  • education
  • interprofessional

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Acute neurology is the neurological care that a patient receives in emergency or urgent care situation. This can be for a new acute condition such as new-onset seizures or acute neuromuscular failure, or for an unpredictable acute deterioration in an established long-term condition such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. Acute neurology is an important and expanding portion of neurologists’ work; therefore, doctors need training in the specific skills required to develop safe and efficient care in this environment. The key skills include good clinical knowledge and diagnostic ability, together with an understanding of human factors or non-technical skills. ‘Human factors’ describes the way people interact with each other, with the systems in which they work, and with technology. The key human factors are understanding of error, the limitations of human performance and communication within teams.

Simulation allows healthcare professionals to be immersed in realistic scenarios in a safe, controlled and reproducible environment. A simulation laboratory is used to recreate as realistic a scenario as possible. An actor or a high-tech manikin is used as the patient, and all the documentation and equipment are the same as that used in the emergency department and on the wards (figure 1). The idea is that subjects interact with the system (which will behave like a real system) and respond realistically to the user’s actions. Simulation training is based on experience from aviation, which demonstrated that team skills are as important as technical skills in error prevention. Aviation industry trainers first used simulation to develop individual flying skills. They then introduced Cockpit Resource Management to improve communication skills between pilots. However, it was only in the late 1980s, when improvements in safety were actually realised, that they introduced simulation with Crew Resource Management training to address team working, communication and decision-making between pilots, flight attendants and air traffic control officers. In a similar way, interprofessional education improves patient safety because it improves communication, teamwork and leadership. This has now become a routine part of training in some areas of healthcare, such as anaesthetics.1

Figure 1

The simulated environment. Overview of simulation suite with high-fidelity manikin with physiology monitoring, notes trolley, clinical equipment and then observation window on left and control room on right (A). Views from monitoring cameras (B, C) relayed to observation room (D). The television screens in room D relay the physiological monitoring (e.g., ECG) like a bedside monitor.

We have used simulation training in London for several years. This was particularly helpful in multiprofessional stroke training when setting up the hyperacute stroke unit model and when training frontline staff to deliver thrombolysis. The aim was to improve staff confidence and patient management skills before exposing them to real situations. Simulation training allowed staff to participate in a scenario and then to see how they had fared. It enhanced their enthusiasm. They became more attuned to what was happening around them and to potential pitfalls. They learnt how to prioritise better and recognised that verbalising thoughts led to all the team understanding what was happening at any given time, and hence being more efficient and responsive.2 A facilitated reflection (or ‘debrief’) provided feedback immediately after each scenario; this was key to improving both clinical and non-clinical skills.

There is emerging interest in using simulation in acute neurology.3 Doctors such as anaesthetists4 and neurologists5 have used simulation but it has not previously been applied to acute neurology in a multiprofessional setting. We believe that this is where the strength of this method of learning lies. Rather than ‘see one, do one, teach one’ or learning from each mistake, simulation allows learners to experience complex scenarios safely and non-threateningly and to have expert feedback and opportunity for reflection immediately after each one.

Learning objectives

Simulation sessions have two main learning objectives that place equal importance on preventing error and ensuring a safe and effective task performance.

  1. To improve the clinical knowledge and understanding necessary to diagnose, manage and treat a neurological emergency. In a sense, this is traditional book learning and factual knowledge.

  2. To improve awareness and understanding of human factors or non-technical skills, and how these affect performance. Such factors include the cognitive abilities required for task management and decision-making, as well as social and interpersonal skills, including teamwork, communication and leadership (table 1). This is all about bringing the best out of the team, for example, persuading one person to organise and scan while another phones for a collateral history, while yet another assesses the patient.

Communication within the team is vital; communication failure is a root cause of most adverse events. Clear communication involves stating the obvious and announcing what you are doing, avoiding pronouns (he, she, it, they) and repeating information back to ensure it is correct (e.g. ‘You have just told me to give 1 mg of lorazepam’). It is important to state clearly what you want from someone using ‘closed loop communication’ (e.g. ‘Please phone the patient’s wife and ask the last time she saw him well. Then come back and tell me the answer’). It is vital that all members of the team clearly articulate safety concerns and listen to others. All team members must conceptualise that flat hierarchies improve communication. If one person dominates, others may feel inhibited and not feel confident to say something important; even the most ‘junior’ member must feel empowered to speak up (e.g. ‘The oxygen saturation is dropping on the monitor’). However, a typical group hierarchy is where one person dominates. A flat hierarchy is one where everyone is equal and respected so that everyone can be heard. This also requires assertive communication where appropriate from all team members. Team members must understand the importance of making themselves heard.

Table 1

The key human factors (non-technical skills)

The simulation session starts with a brief overview covering human factors, as the learners are often less familiar with these. Once the learners understand the session’s objectives, the faculty can help individuals to identify which learning objectives to focus on in the session. For example, a nurse may be tasked with performing the first set of observations and then providing an SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) handover to the core trainee. The core trainee would focus on ABCDE assessment and assertive communication to the specialist trainee. The specialist trainee may have a specific clinical objective, for example, managing a seizure while focusing on their own leadership. This particularly helps in a multiprofessional setting with learners of different experience. It is essential to have drawn faculty members from different professions and with different levels of experience to ensure that all learners receive appropriate learning objectives; it is not simply a case of consultant neurologists giving all staff their learning objectives.

Scenario design

Suitable acute neurology clinical scenarios for simulation training include myasthenic crisis, acute basilar artery occlusion, status epilepticus, subarachnoid haemorrhage, acute bacterial meningitis and brain death.3 We have developed a high-fidelity simulation training programme with three acute neurology scenarios: refractory status epilepticus, coma and neuromuscular respiratory failure. Each scenario was carefully created and tailored to the learner group—doctors (core and specialist trainees), nurses and physician associates. We provided information so that each group understood where the scenario started (e.g. you are working in the emergency department and have been asked to see this 75-year-old man). We drew up a full patient synopsis for the faculty, including medication, medical history, social history and allergies. Before running the scenario, we programmed the physiological variables (non-invasive blood pressure, ECG, oxygen saturation and temperature) and set up the equipment in the room. We collated available investigations (laboratory and imaging) that learners could request. We rehearsed scenario progression possibilities (e.g. if the team give glyceryl trinitrate the blood pressure will return to normal, but if they do not treat the blood pressure it will rise and the monitor will show new ischaemic change). Each scenario had specific learning outcomes and debriefing points tailored to the learning groups (e.g. medical or nursing) (table 2) but the faculty could alter scenarios and vary them in real time according to the individual learners’ actions and learning objectives.

Table 2

Summary of scenario design, clinical learning objectives and staffing requirements

Running the session

We run sessions over 4 hours with seven learners from medical and nursing backgrounds and a minimum of three faculty members. The faculty members need to be pluripotent and to reflect the nature of the learners (e.g. consultant, specialist trainee and band 7 practice development nurse).

It is important to start each session with an introduction to the high-fidelity simulation manikin so that learners can become familiar with what the manikin can do and its limitations before experiencing the scenarios. Our manikins can respond physiologically with changes in breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure and pupils but cannot manifest focal neurology. It is possible to run preprogrammed scenarios that faculty members can vary in real time. The manikin has a voice box so faculty members can speak for the patient, simulating what they might say or trying to mimic dysphasia. As the scenario develops, the participants need to interact with the outside world as they would in real life. They may need to phone the intensive care unit or radiology to request a scan. They may need to ask advice, say, from the cardiology registrar. They may need to request urgent attendance by an anaesthetist. Faculty members, therefore, also take on these other roles (such as switchboard and other medical professionals) and provide collateral history on the phone where necessary. A faculty member may enter the simulation lab as a senior figure to assist, if the scenario has hit a snag or if the participants have requested a particular person (e.g. the respiratory registrar).

While the scenario is in progress, other learners observe through a one-way mirror with audio connection and can simultaneously view physiological monitoring and investigation results (figure 2). We provide an observer sheet to prompt their observations, to permit them to make clear annotations and also to highlight the non-technical skills that they might exhibit (table 2). Because the non-technical skills (communication, situation awareness, decision-making and leadership) are often a new concept to the learner, we provide simple observational checklists to allow them to provide feedback to their peers.

Figure 2

Running the scenario. Learner in the simulation suite (A) while faculty monitor and interact in the control room (B) and other learners observe (C). All learners and faculty come together after each scenario for reflection and debriefing (D).


Debriefing is a guided reflection that must occur after a learning event (scenario) (figure 3) and is part of the learning cycle. A structured debrief is essential to facilitate the individual learning objectives. We use the diamond debriefing method developed by the Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK. The diamond method provides a structured visual reminder of the debrief process (figure 4).6 We find this is simple and effective for facilitators with varying levels of experience. The diamond debrief is specifically designed to explore the non-technical aspects of a simulated scenario with three phases: description, analysis and application.6

Figure 3

Experiential learning cycle in simulation training.

  1. Description: This starts with a factual description of what happened in the scenario focusing on the timeline of facts, for example, ‘Then at 10.45 the registrar came in and was given a handover of the clinical situation by X. He then gave drug Y.’ It is important to establish the facts in a non-judgemental way and to resist the temptation to discuss emotions at this stage. The facilitators then clarify any outstanding clinical questions, for example, ‘This scenario was designed to show the management of status epilepticus, the recommended management of which is…’ and then we would provide references and further reading. This reinforces appropriate clinical knowledge without focusing on the individual participants. This allows a transition to the analysis.

  2. Analysis: Most of the time is spent in analysis where the participants are asked how they perceived a given aspect of the scenario; the discussion then focuses in detail around one human factor (see table 3 for examples). This phase can often be very illuminating, for example, where one participant may have noted communicated information but did not acknowledge it, while the other may have felt ignored and less inclined to speak later in the scenario. Both sides would have a point and the group can benefit by understanding the ebb and flow of communication.

  3. Application: During this phase, participants are encouraged to consider how they may apply the knowledge in their own clinical environment.

Table 3

Examples of human factors focused on the analysis phase of debrief in different scenarios


Between 2015 and 2018, we ran six separate multiprofessional acute neurology sessions each lasting 4 hours and containing three scenarios. A total of 60 staff (13 nursing; 9 physician associates; 38 medical) attended, of whom 44.4% had previously experienced simulation training. On a 7-point Likert scale, they rated enjoyment of the course 5.78 (SD±1.09) and relevance to clinical practice 6.29 (SD±0.88). Analysing precourse and postcourse questionnaires showed there was a significant improvement in their confidence in managing neurology emergency situations but not in non-technical skills (table 4). Free text completion of written feedback of the question, ‘What is the one thing you take away from the course?’ yielded 50 responses that were placed in themes. Most (78%) were regarding human factors and these divided into categories of communication and teamwork (26), situation awareness (7) and leadership (6) (see table 5 for examples). This suggested that they were more aware of the need for effective communication and teamwork and the importance of human factors but did not yet feel confident in their ability. If expressed in terms of the learning cycle (figure 3), the concrete experience of the scenario challenged the participants and motivated team members to think critically, reflect and learn. The facilitated debriefing empowered learners to challenge their own beliefs and habits in a safe environment. To some extent they saw themselves as others see them and also they could see themselves actually in action. To complete the cycle would require the learners then to perform a second scenario to consolidate knowledge and understanding of human factors. Participants commonly fed back that they would like to participate in more scenarios. It may be more beneficial to give each learner the opportunity to participate in a scenario twice in each session. We plan to hold a future simulation on the ward using shorter sessions to allow repeated simulation training for individual learners.

Table 4

Precourse and postcourse rating for clinical knowledge and human factors

Table 5

Examples of comments from semistructured written feedback


High-fidelity simulation involves using a physiologically accurate and responsive manikin with real-life equipment, and with learners participating the same roles and numbers as for an authentic clinical event. This provides an engaging educational environment for learners to consolidate clinical knowledge and technical skills and is ideal for improving non-technical skills. It needs to be combined with faculty from the same professions as the learners and with a broad range of seniority and experience. The ultimate aim is to create a team of people who, through understanding the importance of non-technical skills, actively provide and seek feedback from each other and engage in interprofessional communication and learning that is carried over and continues in the workplace. It provides a unique opportunity for interprofessional education. The aspiration in the long term is that this approach will improve patients’ safety in acute neurology, in the way that similar training in the airline industry has improved passenger safety.

Key points

  • High-fidelity simulation training can increase confidence and clinical knowledge, and so help in managing neurological emergencies in a safe and reproducible environment.

  • Multidisciplinary training is essential to maximise awareness of the human factors (communication, teamwork, leadership and situational awareness) that can contribute to future patient safety.

  • Learners should first familiarise themselves with the effects of human factors on performance before participating and observing scenarios.

  • Facilitated debriefing is key to supporting clinical knowledge development and also in improving awareness of human factors.

Supplementary file 1

Supplementary file 2

Supplementary file 3

Supplementary file 4


Thanks to all the staff at St George’s Advanced Patient and Simulation and Skills Centre.



  • Contributors CMG designed the scenarios, acted as faculty, drafted the manuscript, analysed the data and created the figures. NG implemented the scenarios and operated the simulation suite and edited the manuscript. JS and NN acted as faculty during simulation and edited the manuscript. ACP conceived the idea of acute neurology simulation, acted as faculty and edited the manuscript.

  • Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Disclaimer Dr David Nicholl from Birmingham, UK, has kindly provided some additional simulation scenarios that he has used and refined with his own trainees, and has made these freely available to Practical Neurology readers as supplementary files to this article.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Patient consent None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned. Externally peer reviewed. This paper was reviewed by David Nicholl, Birmingham, UK, and Tom Warner, London, UK.

  • Data sharing statement All unpublished data are available from the corresponding author on request.

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