Table 3

CBPC patients diagnosed with breast cancer (BC)

PatientAgeClinic outcomeReferral sourceReasonPrevious personal history of BCType of cancerSide
170Referral to 2WWCBPCPalpable lump, skin dimplingNoInvasiveIpsilateral
275Referral to 2WWCPBCExclusion criterionYesInvasiveIpsilateral
365DischargedScreening advised5 years since last screeningNoInvasiveIpsilateral
472DischargedScreening advisedFamily history risk
Eligible >70 years
575DischargedGeneral Practioner :
new red flag sign
Developed new nipple retractionYes*InvasiveNot site specific
677DischargedScreening advisedEligible >70 yearsNoInvasiveContralateral
757DischargedRoutine screeningScreening age groupNoInvasiveContralateral
  • *Previous history of bilateral BC.

  • CBPC, community breast pain clinic; 2WW, 2-week wait.