Table 1

Responses of faculty anaesthesiologists to survey questions capturing barriers to submitting reports through hospital-wide system (January 2023 survey) and specialty-specific (January 2023 and May 2023 surveys) incident reporting systems (IRS)

Hospital-wide IRS (January 2023)*Specialty-specific IRS (January 2023)†Specialty-specific IRS (May 2023)‡
Surveys completed (N)656544
Difficult to access33 (51%)7 (11%)2 (5%)
Limited time32 (49%)30 (46%)25 (57%)
Pessimism about change28 (43%)14 (22%)9 (20%)
Not designed for physicians or CRNAs27 (42%)4 (6%)0 (0%)
Punitive action20 (31%)11 (17%)6 (14%)
Do not know what to report8 (12%)6 (9%)8 (18%)
  • *January 2023 survey question 3—‘If you observed a possible patient safety incident and did not fill out a [hospital-wide system] report, what were the reasons you did not fill out the report? [Check all that apply]’.

  • †January 2023 survey question 5—’What are the reasons you are less likely to fill out a [Specialty-specific system] report? [Check all that apply]’.

  • ‡May 2023 survey question 3—’What are the reasons you are less likely to fill out a [Specialty-specific system] report? [Check all that apply]’.

  • CRNAs, certified registered nurse anaesthetists.