Framework | Guidance document(s) | Description |
Model for Improvement | Science of Improvement: How to Improve9 | Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) webpage on The Model for Improvement |
Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) | Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit31 | IHI worksheet to guide the implementation of PDSA. |
PDSA cycles and the Model for Improvement32 | NHS England & NHS Improvement publication outlining use of the framework in the NHS. | |
RCGP QI Wheel for Primary Care | Quality Improvement for General Practice8 | Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) official publication detailing their recommended QI framework. |
Care bundles | Using Care Bundles to Improve Healthcare Quality33 | IHI white paper on this framework. |
Lean | Going Lean in the NHS18 | Publication by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement |
Going Lean in Healthcare34 | IHI white paper on this framework | |
Lean Six Sigma | Lean Six Sigma: some basic concepts23 | Publication by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement on merging Lean and Six Sigma |
Six Sigma | An Overview of Six Sigma19 | Framework guidance by NHS Improvement |
PRISM | A Practical, Robust, Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) for Integrating Research into Practice21 | Publication by the developers of PRISM |
RE-AIM | Evaluating the Public Health Impact of Health Promotion Interventions: the RE-AIM framework14 | Publication by the developers of RE-AIM, recommended on the official RE-AIM website. |
Always Events | Always Events Toolkit17 | IHI publication in collaboration with NHS England |
FOCUS-PDSA | Introduction to Quality Improvement and the FOCUS-PDSA Model35 | Guidance by American College of Cardiologists |
Quality Implementation and Evaluation | The Quality, Implementation and Evaluation Model: A Clinical Practice Model for Sustainable Interventions36 | Paper presenting this model. |
Sustainable-QI (Sus-QI) | Sustainability in Quality Improvement: Redefining Value16 | Guidance document recommended on the official Sus-QI website. |
FOCUS-PDSA, Find, Organise, Clarify, Understand, Select - Plan, Do, Study, Act ; NHS, National Health Service ; RE-AIM, Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance.