Table 2

Included documents

FrameworkGuidance document(s)Description
Model for ImprovementScience of Improvement: How to Improve9Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) webpage on The Model for Improvement
Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA)Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit31IHI worksheet to guide the implementation of PDSA.
PDSA cycles and the Model for Improvement32NHS England & NHS Improvement publication outlining use of the framework in the NHS.
RCGP QI Wheel for Primary CareQuality Improvement for General Practice8Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) official publication detailing their recommended QI framework.
Care bundlesUsing Care Bundles to Improve Healthcare Quality33IHI white paper on this framework.
LeanGoing Lean in the NHS18Publication by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Going Lean in Healthcare34IHI white paper on this framework
Lean Six SigmaLean Six Sigma: some basic concepts23Publication by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement on merging Lean and Six Sigma
Six SigmaAn Overview of Six Sigma19Framework guidance by NHS Improvement
PRISMA Practical, Robust, Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) for Integrating Research into Practice21Publication by the developers of PRISM
RE-AIMEvaluating the Public Health Impact of Health Promotion Interventions: the RE-AIM framework14Publication by the developers of RE-AIM, recommended on the official RE-AIM website.
Always EventsAlways Events Toolkit17IHI publication in collaboration with NHS England
FOCUS-PDSAIntroduction to Quality Improvement and the FOCUS-PDSA Model35Guidance by American College of Cardiologists
Quality Implementation and EvaluationThe Quality, Implementation and
Evaluation Model: A Clinical Practice Model for Sustainable Interventions36
Paper presenting this model.
Sustainable-QI (Sus-QI)Sustainability in Quality Improvement: Redefining Value16Guidance document recommended on the official Sus-QI website.
  • FOCUS-PDSA, Find, Organise, Clarify, Understand, Select - Plan, Do, Study, Act ; NHS, National Health Service ; RE-AIM, Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance.