Table 1

Critical factors and corresponding National Health Service (NHS) Long Term Plan objectives2

Critical factorCorresponding NHS Long Term Plan objectives
1 Access to integrated care records for CVD
2 Effective processes for inviting for CVD review in primary care
3 Effectiveness of CVD reviews in primary care
4 Effective treatment of identified patients with CVD
5 Patients with AF are appropriately managed on anticoagulant
6 Processes in place to enable prescription of DOAC at diagnosis for patients with AF
7 Identification of people with familial hypercholesterolaemia
8 At-risk patients with CHd are appropriately treated with aspirin or alternative agent
9 Access to local practice pharmacists for CHD management
10 Access to appropriate HF diagnostics
11 Access to local specialist HF nurses
12 Appropriate provision of cardiac rehabilitation services
13 Appropriate access to cardiac rehabilitation services
14 Cardiac rehabilitation is resourced appropriately
15 Processes for actively managing CVD review invitations
16 Delivering CVD review management
17 Identifying CVD review patients
18 Ability to identify patients with AF
19 Availability of familial hypercholesterolaemia service
20 There is confidence in awareness and diagnosis of HF
21 There are sufficient community defibrillators for ICS demographics
  • AF, atrial fibrillation; CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DOAC, direct-acting oral anticoagulant; HF, heart failure.