Table 2

Characteristics of networks, referral and triage processes

CharacteristicsReferral optionsProcess measure
Arterial centreNorth/southIn networke-RS triageSelf-referral accepted‡ED referral goes toDirect email referrals received by ~Referrals to podiatryPAD-QIF target achievement 2021
Unit ANorthYes†ConsultantHub SpRVascular secretariese-RS/email/phone44%
Spoke 1APodiatryHub SpRe-RS/email/phone
Unit BNorthYes*ConsultantHub SpRe-RS/phone76%
Unit CSouthYesSpRSpRe-RS53%
Spoke 1CSpRHub SpRe-RS/email
Unit DNorthYesConsultantYSpR/VSNVSNEmail38%
Spoke 1DConsultantHub SpR/VSNEmail
Unit ESouthYesConsultantYSpRVSNEmail/phone51%
Spoke 1EConsultantHub SpRe-RS
Spoke 1EConsultantHub SpREmail/phone /letter
Unit FNorthYesConsultantYSpR VSNEmail/phone33%
Spoke 1FVSNHub SpRe-RS
Unit GNorthNoConsultantYSpR/consultantEmail<10 cases
Unit HSouthNoConsultantSpR/consultantVSN / consultantEmail/phone88%
Unit INorthYes*ConsultantHub SpR/podiatryMDT coordinatorPhone/email42%
Unit JSouthYesConsultantYSpREmail/phone59%
Spoke 1JVSNYHub SpRVSNEmail/phone
Spoke 2JConsultantHub SpREmail/phone/letter
Spoke 3JConsultantHub SpRVascular secretariesEmail/phone (if urgent)
Unit KSouthYesConsultantSpRSCPEmail31%
Spoke 1KConsultantHub SpRVSNEmail
Spoke 2KConsultantHub SpRConsultantEmail/phone
Unit LNorthYes*VSNYHub SpRVSN/consultantEmail/phone66%
  • *Unit I, unit B and unit L have the same process for triage of referrals from non-arterial centre catchment as those from arterial centre catchment area.

  • †Unit A non-arterial centres have not been fully mapped.

  • ‡All units accepting self-referral did so only from patients already known to the department. All were via VSNs.

  • e-RS, e-referral service; SCP, surgical care practitioner; SpR, register working in vascular surgery; VSN, vascular specialist nurse.