Table 3A

Timing of emergency outpatient assessment for suspected CLTI—arterial centres

Name of arterial centreTiming of e-RS triageFrequency of hot clinicHot clinic led byFrequency of emergency slots (consultant clinic)Maximal timing for outpatient review via e-RS (days)
Unit A†48 hourly (if urgent)WeeklyConsultantNone9
Unit B*48 hourlyNoneConsultant and VSN2 per clinic (daily)3
Unit CWeekly3 times weeklyVSNNone9
Unit D4 times weeklyNoneNone
Unit EDaily3 times weeklyConsultantNone3
Unit FWeekly3 times weeklyConsultant and VSNNone9
Unit GDailyNoneNone
Unit H48 hourlyWeeklyConsultantNone9
Unit I*Weekly4 times weeklyConsultantNone9
Unit JDailyUp to 4 times weeklyConsultant and VSNNone3
Unit KDaily (if urgent)DailySpRNone2
Unit L*DailyWeeklyConsultant1 per clinic (daily)2
  • *Unit I, unit B and unit L have the same process for triage of referrals from non-arterial centre catchment as those from arterial centre catchment area.

  • †Unit A non-arterial centres have not been fully mapped.

  • SpR, specialty registrar; VSN, vascular specialist nurse.