Table 1

BFI indicators at baseline and results with target values

Breastfeeding sentinel indicators
 Breastfeeding exclusivity55.67556.3
 Breastfeeding initiation858087
BFI care indicators
 Skin-to-skin within 5 min of vaginal birth718088
 Skin-to-skin within 5 min of caesarean birth328058.5
 Skin-to-skin for 1 hour or greater after vaginal birth598086.2
 Skin-to-skin for 1 hour or greater after caesarean birth328056.1
 Assistance and support breastfeeding within 6 hours of birth398085
 Rooming-in (non-separation)528099
 Prenatal education168049
 Education about community supports668088
  • *Target values represent the required targets for BFI designation as outlined in the BCC BFI Implementation Guidelines.16

  • †The results values presented were collected at the end of the final action period cycle in 2021.

  • BCC, Breastfeeding Committee for Canada; BFI, Baby-Friendly Initiative.