Table 3

Characteristics of interventions

Author(s), yearType of interventionElements in interventionTime from implementation to evaluation
Alexander and Allen (2011)33Organisational/policy
Visual aids
Development of fluid balance measurement policy, computerised physician order, education of nurses and medical staff, educational poster2 months
Baird et al (2019)42Equipment
Disseminating results
Development of AKI prediction tool+intervention bundle including fluid balance monitoring, educating doctors to use the tool, presenting results at audit meetingsImmediately following each of four PDSA cycles
Davies et al (2017)43Equipment
Visual aids
Redesign of fluid balance charts, posters, discussions at nursing handover, e-learning modules, informing junior doctors and encouraging close monitoring1 month and 7 months
Joslin et al (2015)45Organisational/policy
Visual aids
Hospital-wide programme to improve AKI recognition and management, AKI care bundle, educating nurses and doctors, posters on all wards, announcements on hospital intranet and screensavers2 years
Liaw and Goh (2018)46Equipment
Disseminating results
Disseminating audit results to nurses, creating dialogue and developing strategies to overcome barriers, developing an intake chart for patients including pictorial guide, educating ward staff, providing a feedback box2 months and 6 months
Madu et al (2021)54Education
Visual aids
Teaching sessions, picture messages/posters, doctors prescribing fluid balance charts, weighing scales and calculators, advising staff to engage patients in recording4 weeks and 6 months
Møller et al (2013)37Organisational/policy
Disseminating results
Nationwide quality improvement through mandatory registration of quality-of-care indicators in the database, annual publication of results.2 years
Pinnington et al (2016)47Equipment
Visual aids
Patient education
Implementation of a hydration assessment tool, hydration chart, fluid balance chart, urine colour chart posters and a patient information leaflet<6 months*
Vincent and Mahendiran (2015)49Equipment
Visual aids
New fluid balance chart, e-learning module for nurses and HCA, posters, attendance at nursing handover, change of chart changeover (noon–noon), calculators available<3 months*
Wakeling (2011)40Education
Teaching sessions on hydration and fluid balance charting, implementing the Hydrant drinking aid<4 weeks
Walker et al (2012)41Education/dialogue
Visual aids
Disseminating results
Audit findings presented at meetings, key messages on computer background wallpapers, prompt on general medicine admission proforma, training of medical staff, intravenous guideline, communicating the importance of FBC at nursing handovers6 months
Yang et al (2019)51Equipment
Developing self-learning materials, modifying fluid balance charts, integrating into nursing information system, educating nurses and performing auditsImmediately after
Zhu et al (2018)50Education
Educating nurses and patients, patient leaflets, integrating into nursing information system, head nurse monitoring performanceImmediately after
  • *Estimated from information in the paper.

  • AKI, acute kidney injury; FBC, fluid balance chart; HCA, Healthcare assistant; PDSA, Plan-Do-Study-Act.