Table 2

Data for number of referrals, tests and treatment initiation

DataPre-implementation of VFAPost implementation of VFA
Dates1 September 2017 to 29 February 20201 March 2020 to 30 October 2022
Number of months3030
Number of patients referred to FLS400574
Number of FLS patients eligible for bone density testing366/400 (92%)460/574 (80%)
Number of BMD scans undertaken at FLS imaging centre
 BMD normal7064
 BMD indicated osteoporosis118139
 BMD indicated osteopenia166213
 Total354/366 (97%)416/460 (90%)
Number of BMD not undertaken
 BMD performed at another centre1234
 Patient declined08
Number of VFA performed at FLS imaging centre
 VFA normalN/A220
 VFA abnormalN/A153
 Total0373 (90%)
Number of VFA scans not undertaken at FLS imaging centre
 Patient unable to position for VFAN/A27
 Staff unable to carry out scanN/A15
 Patient declinedN/A1
 Total043 (10%)
Number of VFA performed at other facilities
 VFA normalN/A1
 VFA abnormalN/A1
Normal BMD but abnormal VFAN/A16/375 (4%)
Osteopenia/osteoporosis diagnosis and abnormal VFAN/A72
Number of treatment initiation started for osteopenia/osteoporosis (abnormal VFA)*159170 (64)
Number of treatment initiation started for normal BMD (abnormal VFA)*2816 (8)
  • Bone mineral density was measured through dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan. Total VFA is calculated using those who received DXA scan in the FLS imaging centre.

  • *Antiresorptive therapy.

  • BDT, bone densitometry team ; BMD, bone mineral density; CTF, Capture the Fracture ; FLS, Fragility Liaison Service; MDT, Multidisciplinary team ; SALHN, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network ; VFA, vertebral fracture assessment.