Table 1

District and facilities that participated in learning collaborative

DistrictHealth facility*Average monthly case load in OTC†
AbimAlerek HC III13
AmudatLoroo HC III15
KaabongKathile HC III47
KotidoKotido HC IV31
Nakapelimoru HC III41
NakapiripiritTokora HC IV35
Amaler HC III57
NapakLorengechora HC III16
Lopeei HC III15
Apeitolim HC II16
  • *(A) HC IV provides preventive, promotive, curative maternity, in-patient health services, surgery, blood transfusion, laboratory and medical imaging services. They also provide in-service training, consultation and operational research in support of the community-based healthcare programmes. (V) HC III provides basic preventive, promotive and curative care and provides support supervision of the community and HC II under its jurisdiction. There are provisions for laboratory services for diagnosis, maternity care and first referral cover for the subcounty. (C) The HC II provides the first level of interaction between the formal health sector and the communities. HC IIs only provide outpatient care and community outreach services. An enrolled comprehensive nurse is key to the provision of comprehensive services and linkages with the village health team.

  • †Monthly case load is summation of the cases previously admitted, new admissions and the readmissions.

  • HC, health centre.