Table 1

Code formulation for survey questions

Q1Arrange the steps of blood culture collection procedure in the correct order?
Q2Is it necessary to wash your hand before wearing gloves?
Q3Choosing the vein before antiseptic procedure?
Q4Is it necessary to change needle after drawing blood and before injecting blood into bottle?
Q5Is it necessary to disinfect top of bottle before injecting blood into bottle using alcohol?
Q6Is it necessary to disinfect top of bottle before injecting blood into bottle using iodine?
Q7Do you check bottle for clarity before injecting blood?
Q8Blood sample for culture must be drawn before any lab test.
Q9What you will do if you need to touch draw site again after antiseptic procedure?
Q10What you will do if you find bottle turbid before injecting blood on it?
Q11What is the best time for blood collection for culture?
Q12If antibiotic treatment started before collection of blood, when do you collect blood for culture?
Q13State appropriate blood volume for adult and paediatric in each bottle?