Table 1

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) test of change

PDSA cycle 1PDSA cycle 2PDSA cycle 3PDSA cycle 4
Antimicrobial stewardshipVisual tools
Chart review
Expand audit tool
Feedback to mentor
Continue hospital wide Modify tool
Identify use of ID consultation
In-service nurses
Post protocol and steps to find protocol
postdischarge comprehension audit
Discharge instruction Comprehension toolModify tool
Pilot tool to all discharges
Implement modified tool Include family membersModify tool
Ask for participation nurses
Environmental tool for contact precautionsPost current results Recommendations from staff.Post results to the QI team. Assess compliance on nightsContinue tool
Survey patients on contact precautions
Teamwork engagementWeekly questionsContinue weekly questions. First edible rewardContinue question and reward. Hand deliver questions on night shift.Continue questions and reward. Post results of data