Table 3

Per cent agreement between RN and gold-standard frailty ratings before and after the frailty education intervention

Gold-standard CFS ratingPrior to education (n=26)
% agreement
Post-education (n=21)*
% agreement
P value†
Well and managing well
(case 1, case 4)
(case 6, case 10)
Mildly frail
(case 2)
Moderately frail, severely frail, very severely frail and terminally ill
(cases 3, 7, 9, 8, 5)
  • *After the educational intervention, five RNs were lost to follow-up and did not rate clinical vignettes.

  • †McNemar’s test used to compare % agreement before and after educational intervention with n=21 subjects. Categories of ‘vulnerable’ and ‘moderately frail, severely frail, very severely frail and terminally ill’ compared 20 subjects due to missing data points from one subject.

  • CFS, Clinical Frailty Scale; RNs, registered nurses.