Table 4

Comparison of means between patient safety grades and number of events reported with patient safety culture components scores (N=300)

Patient safety gradesEvents reported, n
Poor or failingAcceptableExcellent/ Very goodF, Sig*.No event reports1–5 event reports>5 events reportedF, Sig*.
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
Supervisor’s/manager’s expectations and actions promoting safety2.96 (0.72)2.85 (0.64)2.95 (0.60)0.553, 0.5762.96 (0.63)2.92 (0.60)2.79 (0.75)0.617, 0.0540
Organisational learning—continuous improvement3.63 (0.86)3.42 (0.83)3.73 (0.66)3.61, 0.028 (c)3.66 (0.77)3.65 (0.69)3.70 (0.70)0.046, 0.955
Teamwork within hospital units3.66 (0.82)3.72 (0.67)3.98 (0.60)5.64, 0.004 (b)3.86 (0.73)3.88 (0.61)4.08 (0.52)0.831, 0.437
Communication openness2.86 (0.84)2.91 (0.78)3.18 (0.73)4.17, 0.016 (b)3.04 (0.080)3.19 (0.71)2.70 (0.62)3.50, 0.032 (a) (f)
Feedback and communication about errors2.82 (0.82)2.95 (0.77)3.52 (0.82)17.24, ≤0.001 (b, c)3.23 (0.90)3.43 (0.82)3.17 (0.84)1.93, 0.146
Non-punitive response to the error4.06 (0.91)3.95 (0.95)3.85 (083)0.963, 0.3833.88 (0.74)3.87 (0.97)4.29 (0.91)1.78, 0.170
Staffing3.60 (1.15)3.29 (0.93)3.45 (0.79)1.34, 0.2633.44 (0.87)3.41 (0.83)3.79 (1.26)1.39, 0.251
Hospital management support for patient safety3.25 (0.80)3.10 (0.66)3.52 (0.66)8.65, ≤0.001 (b, c)3.44 (0.77)3.37 (0.64)3.41 (0.53)0.336, 0.715
Teamwork across hospital units3.55 (1.11)3.40 (0.56)3.44 (0.59)0.611, 0.5443.45 (0.69)3.45 (0.69)3.38 (0.58)0.087, 0.916
Hospital handoffs and transitions3.72 (0.97)3.38 (0.86)2.90 (0.99)13.68, ≤0.001 (a>b)2.96 (1.03)3.22 (0.97)3.23 (1.11)2.24, 0.107
  • Patient safety grades: (a) The significant difference between ‘poor or failing” and “acceptable’. (b) The significant difference between ‘poor or failing’ and ‘excellent/very good’. (c) The significant difference between ‘acceptable’ and ‘excellent/very good’. (d) The significant difference between ‘no events reported’ and ‘1–5 events reported’. (e) The significant difference between ‘no events reported’ and ‘>5 events reported’. (f) The significant difference between ‘1–5 events reported’ and ‘>5 events reported’.

  • *Tukey’s post-test was performed, df=2.