Table 2

Summary of PDSA cycles in implementation phase

PDSA cycle numberPlanDoStudyAct
1Ensuring privacy for mothersSegregation of mothers putting KMC to a separate area in each wardTotal average KMC duration=6.9 hours/baby/daySeparate areas marked out in each ward for mothers putting KMC
2Documentation of KMC durationEnsuring that all mothers have KMC chartTotal average KMC duration=
8.5 hours/baby/day
KMC chart routinely given to all mothers
3Motivation of mothers for KMCCombining KMC chart with weight chartTotal average KMC duration=
9.5 hours/baby/day
KMC chart routinely combined with weight chart for all mothers
4Identifying non-complianceDocumentation of KMC duration in case sheetTotal average KMC duration=
10.3 hours/baby/day
Documentation of KMC duration in case sheets adopted as a routine
5Quality assuranceEnsuring availability of KMC chairsTotal average KMC duration=
11.1 hours/baby/day
KMC chairs are made available to all mothers putting KMC in our unit
6Ensuring comfort to mothers and decreasing stressOpening of M-NICU and family centred care unitTotal average KMC duration=
13.1 hours/baby/day
Postnatal mothers who are not very sick, are admitted in M-NICU and routine obstetric care is provided
7Ensuring KMC education to mothersKMC education videos in local languageTotal average KMC duration=
15.2 hours/baby/day
KMC education videos are shown routinely to mothers of all LBW babies.
8Ensuring maternal comfort during prolonged KMCKMC slings for mothersTotal average KMC duration=
16.6 hours/baby/day
We educated the mothers about benefits of using slings for prolonged KMC
  • KMC, Kangaroo mother care; M-NICU, mother–neonatal ICU.