Table 1

Comparison of key features of the GCP and FCP

Hypoglycaemia threshold≤2.5 mmol/L<3 mmol/L
Screening eligibility criteriaInfants of diabetic mothers.
LGA (BW ≥4000 g).
Term ≥37 weeks with BW ≤2270 g.
Preterm 35–37 weeks with BW ≥1800 g.
Infants of diabetic mothers.
LGA (BW >4000 g or >90 th centile).
Term ≥37 weeks with <2600 g.
Preterm 35–37 weeks with BW ≥1800 g.
Infants of obese mothers (>85 kg or BMI >33 kg/m2).
Timing of capillary glucose monitoring0, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours of age.2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours of age for AGA and LGA infants.
SGA infants have an additional test at 36 hours.
Approach to interventionFormula feeds, then IV dextrose, then IV glucagon and/or hydrocortisone.Skin-to-skin care and breast feeding soon after birth.
Emphasis on feeding in the first 2 hours.
First glucose check at 2 hours of life.
When glucose levels were suboptimal, glucose gel followed by feeding.
Admission to SCN criteriaInfants of diabetic mothers irrespective of capillary glucose levels.
Infants with capillary glucose ≤2.5 mmol/L irrespective of feeding status.
Infants who are unable to maintain glucose ≥3 mmol/L after glucose gel and feeds.
Infants born to a diabetic mother on insulin therapy and with weight >4000 g (or >90 th centile).
Excluded infantsInfants with birth weight <1800 g.
Infants <35 weeks gestation.
Infants requiring direct level 4 care.
Infants who are out born.
Infants admitted to SCN for non-hypoglycaemia reasons.
  • AGA, appropriate for gestational age; BMI, body mass index; BW, birth weight; FCP, feed-centric pathway; GCP, glucose-centric pathway; IV, intravenous; LGA, large for gestational age; SCN, special care nursery; SGA, small-for-gestational-age.