Table 5

Integration of main findings and alignment with programme theory

Programme theoryMechanismsNPTQIKAT-RContextual factors
Motivated clinicians joinHigh agreementHigh agreementHigh agreement (low scores)High need
Collect data and engage in learningHigh agreementMedium agreementUnclear (low scores)High impact of constraints
Incentive offeredMedium agreement
Medium agreementNo connectionLow/ medium value
Learn online with othersMedium agreement
Medium agreement
(high learning not shown in scores)
Medium value
Collaborate with peersMedium agreement
(sense of community)
Medium agreement
(connection with others)
(sharing of learning not shown in scores)
High need to reduce isolation
Advice, feedback from experts and researchersHigh agreement
(credibility and authority)
Medium agreement
(collective action)
Low: scores did not reflect learningHigh need for coaching
Apply QI steps and adjustMedium influenceMedium collective actionLow: scores did not reflect learningMedium influence due to low cost/ small scale changes
QI process is accepted benefits seenMedium agreement (ownership and commitment)Medium agreement
(collective action)
Low: scores not reflected in processMedium support of changes in own settings
Results promote awareness and benefitsMedium agreement (recognition and empowermentMedium level of embeddingLow: scores not reflected in learningMedium interest in organisations
  • CPD, continuing professional development; NPT, normalisation process theory; QI, quality improvement; QIKAT-R, quality improvement knowledge assessment tool.