Table 1

Cardiac arrest review components including core review topics, patient-specific information, prearrest and arrest data

Cardiac arrest review components
Core review components
Event time and date
Duration of cardiac arrest
Time to CPR
Quality of CPR
Depth, rate, ≥10 s pauses
Time to ROSC
Time to ECMO
Patient outcome
Patient demographic and clinical information
Medical history
Admission diagnosis
Hospital procedures
Labs in the past 24 hours
Imaging in the past 24 hours
Vital signs from the prior 12 hours
Precardiac arrest data
ECG rate and rhythm
Pulse oximetry tracing
Arterial line wave form
NICO monitor data
NIRS trends
Cardiac arrest data
Prearrest rhythm
CPR interruption and rationale
Pulse check, ECMO cannulation, intubation attempt
Defibrillation attempts
Preshock and postshock attempts
Chest compression quality including depth and rate
Peer-to-peer discussion
Events leading up to the arrest
Individual concerns about patient prior to arrest, if so, were those concerns addressed
What went well during the arrest
Equipment or medication issues
Were code roles well defined
What could have been done differently in the same situation
Any additional constructive thoughts
  • CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; NICO, non-invasive cardiac output; NIRS, near-infrared spectroscopy; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation.