Table 2

Mnemonics and descriptions applied for the reminder-assisted briefing during the intrahospital transportation process

MnemonicInitiatorItem nameDescription
‘VITAL’ICU nurseVital signsThe nurse confirms that the vital signs of the patient to be transported are acceptable.
InfusionsThe nurse assures the all infusion medications and fluids are functioning normally with sufficient amount and infusion sufficiently charged to endure until the expected time of returning to the ICU.
TubesThe nurse rechecks all indwelling lines and tubes on the patient to ensure proper placement and fixation.
AlarmsThe nurse assures proper settings and functions of the alarms of transportation monitors.
LeaveThe nurse assures normal function of the transportation bed before leaving the ICU, especially the bed wheels.
‘STOP’Respiratory therapistSecretionsThe respiratory therapist confirms that the airway secretions have been adequately removed.
TubesThe respiratory therapist assures the patency of endotracheal or tracheostomy tube, and confirms the proper connection between ventilator and artificial airway.
OxygenThe respiratory therapist checks the amount of oxygen in the tank for transportation to assure that the oxygen will be sufficient during the transportation, especially during returning to the ICU. The therapist also assures the preparation of the air-bag-mask during the process.
PowerThe respiratory therapist checks the functions of transportation mechanical ventilator to assure its normal functions and alarm settings, and confirms the power charge is sufficient during the transportation, especially for the returning to the ICU.
‘STOP’Radiologic technicianSpeak outThe technician at the examination initiates a time-out calling to the transportation team after the handoff task has been completed.
TubesThe technician calls for a check for endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes to assure proper placement and connection during the displacement to the examination table.
OtherThe technician calls for a check for tubes and line other than the artificial airway, especially those connecting to the infusion pumps, to assure proper placement and connection during the displacement to the examination table.
PositionThe technician calls for a checking and assurance of a proper position for patient before displacement, and ensures that the transportation bed has been firmly placed beside the examination table.
  • ICU, intensive care unit.