Table 1

Completion of parameters of the physical admission process, as percentages and fraction of total number of cases for which each parameter was applicable, at baseline, PDSA 1, 2 and reaudit

Baseline (n=139)PDSA cycle 1 (n=40)PDSA cycle 2 (n=20)Reaudit (n=20)
General screen*74.1% (103/139)87.5% (35/40)75% (15/20)60% (12/20)
Body map55.4% (77/139)62.5% (25/40)85% (17/20)80% (16/20)
Venous thromboembolism assessment70.5% (98/139)80% (32/40)80% (16/20)85% (17/20)
Full physical health screen74.8% (104/139)80% (20/25 pre doctor change over)
60% (9/15 post doctor change over)
90% (18/20)90% (18/20)
Use of a chaperone56.1% (78/139)55% (22/40)50% (10/20)70% (14/20)
Baseline blood tests§79.1% (110/139)77.5% (31/40)85% (17/20)75% (15/20)
Plan for reattempts if incomplete25.7% (9/35)45.5% (5/11)50% (2/4)50% (1/2)
Capacity assessment in patients refusing19.0% (4/21)80% (8/10)100% (1/1)0% (0/0)
ECG completed64.7% (90/139)67.5% (27/40)85% (17/20)90% (18/20)
  • *This includes a general physical observation of the patient (eg, mobility, alertness, overall wellness), measurement of physical observations if available and documentation of their past medical history and allergy status.

  • †Identifying body scars, bruises, piercings and tattoos.

  • ‡Detailed physical examination of patient including cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal and neurological examinations.

  • §Full blood count, urea and electrolytes, liver function tests, thyroid function, C reactive protein, B12, folate, bone profile, prolactin, cholesterol, HBA1c.

  • PDSA, plan do study act.