Table 2B

Outcomes for orthopaedic total knee replacement, 2010–2014

Characteristic2010–20112012–20132014Sig P
Surgical outcomes
 LOS, mean (SD)3.2 (0.9)2.9 (1.0)2.4 (1.1)<0.001
 LOS for BMI<303.2 (0.9)2.9 (1.1)2.4 (1.1)<0.001
 LOS for BMI≥303.2 (0.9)2.9 (0.9)2.4 (1.0)<0.001
 LOS≥4 days (%)164 (19)147 (14)63 (10)<0.001
 30-day readmission (%)*16 (2)20 (2)12 (2)0.94
 Any systole≤90 (%)75 (9)53 (5)14 (2)<0.001
 Posthaemorrhagic blood loss (%)†707 (82)852 (80)351 (53)<0.001
Discharge status (%)<0.001
 Home/home health service599 (70)775 (72)578 (87)
 Skilled nursing171 (20)219 (20)72 (11)
 Other90 (10)77 (7)13 (2)
 MET call, any (%)22 (3)49 (5)18 (3)0.85
 Operating room minutes‡, mean (SD)94 (31)96 (41)89 (29)0.29
Patient Satisfaction Survey (5-point scale)
 Recommend hospital
  Mean4.79 (0.53)4.88 (0.35)4.88 (0.43)0.07
  Very good (%)200 (83)270 (89)148 (91)0.032
 Pain controlled
  Mean4.55 (0.72)4.67 (0.60)4.68 (0.64)0.06
  Very good (%)155 (65)219 (72)132 (74)0.046
 Ready for discharge
  Mean4.62 (0.58)4.71 (0.53)4.56 (0.80)0.35
  Very good (%)158 (66)231 (75)124 (70)0.44
  • *30-day hospital readmission for any admissions to urgent care or emergency department only.

  • †Posthaemorrhagic blood loss defined by discharge International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, diagnosis of 285.1.

  • ‡Available only for a subset of patients with specific employers (N=277).

  • BMI, body mass index; LOS, length of stay; MET, medical emergency team; Sig, significant.