Prioritisation of agenda to spend more time on complex cases | ‘We already have an A list B list system whereby non-complex cases can be nodded through without formal discussion unless a member wishes to discuss the case’. |
Grouping of cases by professionals required | ‘We already streamline the melanoma meeting: radiology first, then the radiologist and clinical oncologist leave’. |
Separate MDM for different tumour groups or purpose of discussion | ‘Benign patients could be discussed by radiologist, pathologist and surgeon Aline without the whole team. We would also get benefit from a separate metastatic MDT’. ‘The MDT is for management decisions. Pre- or non-MDT could be for diagnostic decisions’. |
Selection by the MDT chair | ‘I strongly feel that the MDT lead should vet ALL cases beforehand so as to verify if they are appropriate for discussion’. |
MDM, MDT meeting; MDT, multidisciplinary team.