Table 2

The number and percentage of patients with a completed TEP and DNACPR form according to their WHO performance status for each PDSA cycle

PDSA cycle 1 (%)PDSA cycle 2 (%)PDSA cycle 3 (%)
TEP form completion according to performance status (%)
 04 (22)20 (71)
 15 (26)7 (29)
 29 (30)8 (50)
 37 (39)14 (67)
 49 (60)7 (64)
DNACPR form completion according to performance status (%)
 00 (0)0 (0)0 (0)
 10 (0)0 (0)1 (4)
 26 (21)1 (3)3 (19)
 310 (25)6 (33)7 (33)
 418 (78)11 (73)7 (64)
  • DNACPR, do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation; PDSA, plan-do-study-act; TEP, treatment escalation plan; WHO, World Health Organisation.