Table 2

Range of practice deviations from the practice mean on individual and composite intermediate outcomes and processes of care

Intermediate outcomes
 % patients with A1c>9.0%775−30.743.3
 % patients with blood pressure <130/80775−37.130.8
 % patients with <100 mg/dL775−37.928.6
Intermediate outcomes composite775−37.424.2
Processes of care
 % patients who received dilated eye exam in the past year775−63.351.1
 % patients with foot exam documented in the past year775−61.938.1
 % patients with tested for nephropathy (or exclusion)775−85.133.1
 % patients with self-management goal747−79.551.2
 % patients with queried about tobacco use775−69.161.9
 % patients with AIC documented in the past year764−85.857.0
 % patients with low-density lipoprotein measured in the past year764−59.859.5
 % patients with influenza vaccination documented in the past year726−49.057.3
Process of care composite775−47.722.4
  • AIC, haemoglobin A1C.