Table 1

Summary of the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles

1A percentage of repeat prescriptions are not available for collection.Point prevalence of percentage of prescriptions available for collection269/292 (92.1%) repeat prescriptions were available for collection.Mapped out repeat prescription processJuly 2016
2Percentage not available for collection will be reduced by proactively advising patients that their prescription had not been processed.Repeat point prevalence of percentage of prescriptions available for collection260/267 (97.4%) repeat prescriptions were available for collection.Reduced the number of prescriptions not available
Repeat the process to check sustainability
September 2016
3Percentage of prescriptions not available for collection will remain low if the process of proactively advising patients (that prescriptions have not been processed) has been sustained.Repeat point prevalence of percentage of prescriptions available for collection350/364 (96.2%) repeat prescriptions were available for collection.Improvement has been sustained and will be checked periodically.November 2016
4Percentage not available for collection will remain low as staff have found increased efficiency and reception area runs more smoothly.Repeat point prevalence of percentage of prescriptions available for collection314/323 (97.2%) repeat prescriptions were available for collection.Improvement remains sustained. Incidents of repeat prescriptions are not available to be discussed at weekly staff meeting.February 2017