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9 Improve better by scrum sprint in healthcare. An evaluation of the 24- hour scrum sprint method
  1. Femmy Meenhorst
  1. IJsselland Hospital, Albert Schweitzer Hospital


Introduction The quality policy of the Albert Schweitzer Hospital’s radiology department is geared towards continuous improvement and is based on quality measurement results. The number of improvements of the radiology department is currently low compared to the number of quality measurements, and the throughput time of the improvements is long. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to investigate whether the 24- hour scrum sprint method is an effective method to increase the number of completed improvements, and decrease throughput time in the radiology department.

Methods The 24-hour scrum sprint method is being implemented and evaluated in Albert Schweitzer Hospital’s radiology department (intervention group). The chosen study design is an interrupted time series with a control group. Two outcomes are measured for the effect evaluation. The first outcome measure is the absolute number of completed improvements per quarter. The second outcome measure is the percentage of improvement action completed in 90 days. The ratio is calculated using a negative binomial regression analysis and a logical regression analysis. A process evaluation was also conducted engaging a focus group to evaluate the implementation trajectory and the intervention.

Results Having implemented the 24-hour scrum sprint, 2.5 times as many improvements were completed in the radiology department than before implementation.

With a rate ratio of 2.47 (p<0.001) there is a significant difference. In the control group there was a reduction in the number of improvement actions. This difference is not significant (rate ratio of 0.87; p= 0.82). The percentage of actions completed within 90 days on radiology is 18% before implementation and 65% after implementation. This difference is significant (odds ratio = 8.30 and p<0.001). In the control group there is no significant difference in the post-intervention period compared to the pre-intervention period (odds ratio 0.99; p=0.98).The process evaluation reveals that improvement using the 24-hours scrum sprint method was experienced positively by the participants.

The effect evaluation shows a significant difference in the number of improvement actions and throughput time in the intervention group. The 24-hour scrum sprint method could be an effective method to improve on the radiology department. In order to determine subsequent research is required with a longer follow-up, additional post-intervention measurement moments and a rating of the content and scope of the improvements.


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