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18 Joy at work: NSQIP in times of COVID
  1. Heather Bolecz,
  2. Angela Tecson,
  3. Ashraf Amlani-Rajan,
  4. Rebecca McCulloch,
  5. Lisa Sahota
  1. NSQIP Fraser Health Authority


Background Surgical Clinical Reviewers (SCR's) are the heart of this program. They collect data and use critical thinking and clinical experiences as nurses to analyze, interpret and present data to the teams and stakeholders working to improve surgical outcomes. In 2019, a restructuring of the program in our health authority led to a reduction in staff and resources. The COVID pandemic in 2020 brought on an even greater sense of isolation and disintegration. Our already reduced staff was redeployed, which resulted in further feelings of overwhelm and loss of value amongst the SCRs. The Joy at Work project was conceptualized in Mar 2021 to address these issues.

Objectives The objective was to improve SCR’s Joy at Work measures by March of 2022.

Methods Several PDSA’s were done, testing and refining numerous change ideas including biweekly meetings, targeted education sessions, a WhatsApp group and planned social outings.

Use of staff satisfaction surveys, team member attendance, and meeting participation metrics to measure.

Results Results demonstrated a reduction in sick calls, increased meeting attendance, and greater member participation (figures 1 and 2). We turned the QI lens back onto ourselves, to explore ways to improve our experience of work during this very challenging time.

Abstract 18 Figure 1

NSQIP SCR joy at work survey

Abstract 18 Figure 2

Monthly SCR sick calls

Conclusions Next steps to take will be to expand this project to our clerks and our Surgeon Champions.

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