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12 Strengthening public health response to COVID-19 through policy learning and policy transfer
  1. Walaa Atif Mansour
  1. City University of London


Introduction Governments, worldwide, have responded differently to COVID-19 and achieved different levels of success.1 2 Cross-country learning and lessons-drawing from best-practices is needed to improve country response. Our research questions are: what interventions should each country use? Should the same practices be replicated across countries, or be adapted to each country context?

Methods A qualitative research study used document review to provide lessons to support countries’ response during and post COVID-19 and any future crises. Online databases, and the webpage of different governmental, NGOs and international organisations were searched for relevant articles that looked at different country responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the initial stages of the pandemic in (May-June 2021). 11 articles were included in the final review. Qualitative data analysis was done guided by the Dolowitz and Marsh policy transfer framework to analyse policy processes and assess lessons from different health systems.3

Results During COVID-19, governments needed to make quick non-informed decisions.1 Italy, Spain, Brazil and Iran were reluctant in imposing precautionary measures fearing of the economic impact resulting high virus transmission, that obliged them to follow the international approaches after experiencing high mortality and morbidity rates.2 4 The DRC was just recovering from the Ebola outbreak when COVID-19 hit it. People were still aware of the infection and prevention control measures; the government only reinforced these interventions and adapted to the new virus. In South Korea, the government used lessons learnt from MERS outbreak in hospitals’ preparedness regarding capacity and mobilization.5

Discussion Effective public health response is dependent on how rapidly and strictly the preventive measures and restrictive strategies can be applied. Adapting international measures to country context is important to ensure effective response. Learning from previous outbreaks can help countries’ preparedness soon after the announcement of the pandemic.


  1. Baniamin HM, Rahman M, Hasan MT. The COVID-19 pandemic: why are some countries coping more successfully than others? Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 2020;42(3):153–169. doi:10.1080/23276665.2020.1784769

  2. Chen Z, Cao C, Yang G. Coordinated multi-sectoral efforts needed to address the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from China and the United States. Global Health Research and Policy 2020;5(22):22. doi:10.118641256-020-00150-7 PMID:32391441

  3. Dolowitz D, Marsh D. Learning from Abroad: the role of policy transfer in contemporary policy making. Governance 2000;13(1):5–24.

  4. Islam S, Abdus S, Akter M, Nazmul K, Hussain N, Toniolo A, Rahman T. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, lessons to be learned! Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 2020;7(2):260–280. doi:10.5455/javar.2020.g418 PMID:32607358

  5. Sundararaman T, Muraleedharan VR, Ranjan A. Pandemic resilience and health systems preparedness: lessons from COVID-19 for the twenty-first century. J. Soc. Econ. Dev. 2021.

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