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11 Essential together: a pan-Canadian program for the safe re-integration of essential care partners
  1. Carol Fancott
  1. Healthcare Excellence Canada


Introduction Fear of transmission throughout the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in policy changes that prohibited caregivers from entering facilities and partnering in the care of patients and residents.1 2 ‘Essential Together’ is a pan-Canadian program that aims to support health and care institutions to safely welcome and support essential care partners in care.

Methods The Essential Together program was developed using a multi-phased approach, initiated through active listening during multiple pan-Canadian discussions that highlighted issues of restrictive visiting policies, particularly early in the pandemic. An innovative policy lab approach was conducted with key stakeholders who develop, implement, and are impacted by policy including patients and caregivers. Co-developed policy guidance for caregiver presence includes 7 key elements. Essential Together targets different audiences to move policy into action, with wrap-around supports and resources for health and care leaders across Canada to share learnings that balance the risks of Covid-19 with patient- and family-centred practices and policies.

Results Through regular provincial/territorial policy scans across Canada, we note that policy language has shifted, differentiating the role of ‘visitor’ from ‘essential care partner’. The valued role of an essential care partner forms the basis of policies that enable their safe presence. Surveys of healthcare organizations across Canada demonstrated a sharp drop in open family presence policies from 73% pre-pandemic (Jan 2020), with most hospitals suspending visitation with a few notable exceptions (e.g. end of life, pediatrics) (March 2020). By October 2020 and ongoing, most facilities have slowly noted essential care partner policies, but with ongoing limitations to numbers and hours.

Discussion Essential Together is a pan-Canadian program that has co-developed policies and practices to enable the safe reintegration of essential care partners.3–5 Moving into pandemic recovery and resilience, patient and caregiver engagement is key to enable a more balanced approach that supports partnership in care at all times.


  1. Fancott C, et al. Advancing family presence policies and practices in Canadian healthcare. Healthcare Quarterly 2021;24(1):14–21. Advancing Family Presence Policies and Practices in the Canadian Healt (

  2. Fancott C, MacDonald T, Neudorf K, Keresteci M. Caregivers at the heart of re-imagined long-term care delivery in Canada. Healthcare Papers 2021;20(1):66–77. Caregivers at the Heart of Re-Imagined Long-Term Care Delivery in Cana (

  3. Healthcare Excellence Canada. (2020). Policy Guidance for the reintegration of caregivers as essential care partners. policy Guidance for them Reintegration of Caregivers as Essential Care Partners (

  4. Healthcare Excellence Canada. (2020). Evidence brief: Caregivers as essential care partners. evidence-brief-en.pdf (

  5. Healthcare Excellence Canada. (2021). Scan of Provincial and Territorial Government Guidance for Essential Care Partner Presence and Visitor Policies. Scan of Provincial and Territorial Government Guidance for Essential Care Partner Presence and Visitor Policies (

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