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23 Coaching insights from supporting multidisciplinary teams during a QI collaborative
  1. Kerri Ann Deloso,
  2. Mary R Webster
  1. Population Health Improvement Partners


Background To provide the best care for children with medical complexities (CMC) a multidisciplinary approach is required. As a part of a 4-year collaborative created to improve well-being for CMC, 10 states convened multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) with representatives from Title V, family and youth-led organizations, clinical sites, insurers, and state departments. Each team implemented a QI project focused on at least one of the collaborative’s prioritized topic areas (see figure 1).

Objectives Share observed lessons learned, themes, and techniques for facilitating the creation and maintenance of high-functioning MDTs from a QI coach perspective.

Methods As a part of the collaborative, each team was assigned a QI coach from Population Health Improvement Partners. Coaches worked alongside teams to help guide and encourage the design, implementation, sustainability, and spread of QI projects (see table 1).

Through regular interactions and review of collaborative deliverables, coaches observed the structures, interactions, and effectiveness of each MDT.

Results Having a QI coach was a value-added resource for state teams while they were forming and maintaining their MDTs (see figure 2). In addition, coaches were able to glean insights from coaching the teams, including lessons learned and techniques around:

  • Engaging family and youth partners;

  • Creating meaningful partnerships with system-level stakeholders, like Title V and Medicaid;

  • Ensuring equitable distribution of power within teams;

  • Utilizing QI and project management tools to help facilitate team interactions;

  • Using data and visuals to bring the teams’ stories to life and encourage buy-in; and

  • Adapting during challenges, like COVID19 (figure 3).

Abstract 23 Figure 1

Collaborative’s menu of topic areas

Abstract 23 Table 1

Sample coaching roles/interventions

Abstract 23 Figure 2

Themes from state teams re: the value of QI coaching

Abstract 23 Figure 3

Example coaching lessons learned

Conclusions The creation of high-functioning MDTs is critical for addressing the complex, system-wide health care problems & barriers experienced by CMC and their families. Coaching can act as a critical tool to not only facilitate the creation and maintenance of effective MDTs, but also document and share lessons learned. We hope our observations from this collaborative will both add to the knowledge base for coaching improvement teams and inform the creation of MDTs in future improvement work.

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