Table of contents
September 2021 - Volume 10 - 3
Narrative review
- Quality indicators in lung cancer: a review and analysis (3 August, 2021)
Original research
- Cost–DALY comparison of hip replacement care in 12 Belgian hospitals (27 September, 2021)
- Criteria for recommendations after perioperative sentinel events (6 September, 2021)
Quality education report
Quality improvement report
- Improving hospital flow ‘Ensiab Project’ (28 September, 2021)
- Increasing the uptake of cervical screening at cornerstone medical practice (15 September, 2021)
- Empowering patients: simplifying discharge instructions (14 September, 2021)
- Implementation and 1-year follow-up of the cardiovascular ICU standardised handover (13 September, 2021)
- Therapeutic duplication on the general surgical wards (2 September, 2021)
- Reducing potentially avoidable tasks in a hyperacute stroke unit (12 August, 2021)