Table 1

Baseline characteristics of AS-exposed and non-exposed patients

VariableAS exposurep Value
No (n=360)Yes (n=765)
Age groupp=0.467
Charlson Comorbidity Score1.68 (SD 1.85)1.74 (SD 1.76)p=0.61
CURB-65 score1.82 (SD 1.17)2.02 (SD 1.13)p<0.01
CAP criteriap=0.082
Empirical intravenous antibioticsp<0.01
Day of weekp=0.595
Propensity score0. 657 (SD 0.100)0. 691 (SD 0.074)p<0.001
  • AS, antimicrobial stewardship; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; CURB 65, presence of Confusion, elevated Urea, elevated Respiratory rate, low Blood pressure and age ≥65 years; ER, emergency room.